Nebraska Writers Guild Spring Conference
PublisherListSpeakers: Literary Agent Chip MacGregor Literary Agent Linda Camacho, from Prospect Agency Inspiration-to-Creation Coach, Nina Amir Developer of the Mini-Movie Method, Chris Soth Featuring... "The Perfect Proposal" To help strengthen our members’ pitches, something the 2015 Fall Conference agents recommended, “The Perfect Proposal” Provides intensive interactive training on proposals, pitching, query letters, and strategy by the founder of one of […]
Terroir Creative Writing Festival
Announcing the writers and industry experts who will be joining us at the 2016 Terroir Creative Writing Festival! You are invited to visit their websites to learn more about these wonderful creatives! Susan Blackaby, children’s writer Kate Carroll DeGutes, humorist Barbara Drake, creativity and poetry Ed Edmo, oral storytelling Emily Grosvenor, magazine journalism Shawn Levy, […]
American Christian Writers NASHVILLE Mentoring Retreat
Mentoring American Christian Writers offers two effective ways to have your work evaluated and given practical suggestions for improving your work. Online Editing (click here for complete details) and Mentoring Retreats. MENTORING RETREATS ACW’s mentoring retreats feature more than twelve hours of small group and private manuscript consultation work; professional editing and critiquing of your […]
UMI Christian Writers Conference
Pursue your dream, perfect your writing, present your work! The UMI Christian Writers Conference equips talented writers with skills needed to advance the Word of God. Learn from top Christian authors and speakers on important fast track topics. The two-day program includes: Panel discussions with authors and publishing leaders Mini-workshops on a variety of cutting-edge writing […]
Colorado Christian Writers Conference
101_bible_studiesThe 20th Anniversary of the Colorado Christian Writers Conference, hosted by Write His Answer Ministries, features a faculty of 56 authors, editors, and agents, PLUS early bird workshops and 42 workshops or 4 hands-on clinics! One-on-one 15-minute appointments with the faculty of your choice for those who attended the entire conference will be offered as well.
Northwest Christian Writers Renewal
"The Power Of Hope" with keynote speaker, Dr. Dennis E. Hensley.